Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Eternity Vault Normal and Hard Healing Guide

I've had enough experience healing EV on both Normal and Hard Mode that I can now write a guide for healers healing this Op. I'm going to summarize everything a healer needs to worry about to successfully heal EV, most things are the same for both with just higher healing requirement, I'll mention specific differences when relevant.

1st boss: Annihilation Droid XRR-3. Your group will either split up or group together, if you split up you mostly need to worry about your group, but you can change position to reach everyone when needed. The tank will take pretty high damage and needs to be healed. There are 2 abilities you need to worry about, one spawns a circle on the ground, get out of it. The second is the boss missiles that needs to be avoided by hiding behind the turrents. If your DPS hide as well, this should be easy to heal, however, if or when the DPS needs to step out and continue to hit the boss, you need to position yourself so that you are out of LoS for the boss, but still have LoS for the DPS, this will also mean healing will be much more intensive.

2nd boss: Gharj. If done correctly, this will start with only the tank taking damage which isn't too hard to heal. If the boss push the raid to the lava, you need to make sure you heal everyone back up asap. Couple of times you'll need to move from one platform to the other, make sure you heal people who step in lava and keep the tank up during this transition. When the adds spawn, usually the AOE DPS will also take some damage, make sure to keep them up. Nothing too hard from a healing perspective, just heal everyone and move between platforms with your group.

3rd boss: Ancient Pylons. Your group will split up, so you'll be healing a group of 4. In NM usually the healer doesn't have to worry about the buttons, in HM there's a debuff that prevent the same person to keep clicking, when it's your turn to click, just make sure you click the same side button that your group is clicking and do it as soon as it becomes clickable. Mobs will keep spawning, but it's nothing too exciting, just heal your group as they take them down.

4th boss: Infernal Council. You'll get a target to fight 1on1. If done correctly, you should be fighting an Assassin which does more damage and has lower health compared to the other ones. Make sure you know how to DPS, you have a limited time to kill him and none of very limited help from your group. Make sure you heal enough to stay alive and that your DPS abilities are on your bars and you know how to use them. Resources can be an issue here, because we are not specced for energy efficient DPS, make sure you don't run out before the mob is down. Generally try to be as energy efficient as possible while trying to max your DPS.

5th boss: SOA. The first phase you just need to keep up the tank and occasional group damage. If a power source thing next to you explodes, you'll need to get out of this group pool of evil as well as heal anyone else who were damaged by it. When the boss hits 75% the floor in the middle will drop, so make sure you are at the outer circle before this happens. Next there's a series of jumps, high enough to do damage but not enough to kill anyone who has enough health. This is a pretty healing intensive phase, you'll have to keep moving and jumping as well as make sure everyone's health is high enough to survive the drops. Try to make sure your group stay together for AOE healing.

The next phase is similar to the first, minus the pools of evil goo and plus lightning, mind traps and people being tossed around. Make sure you avoid other people's lightning balls and when you are targeted make sure you move away from everyone and hit the ball as soon as possible to clear him. This will give you a major hit, but there is no way to avoid it, bubble, use defensive CD or preventive healing as needed. You'll know you were targeted with a big red message in the middle of the screen. Whoever is targeted will take a major hit as well obviously, so be ready with healing. Mind trap don't matter much to healers, except for the fact it means someone will be out of the fight for a while, if it's the other healer, be ready to do some major healing to compensate. Same for being tossed around, not much you can do about it, only this will also do some major damage to the targeted character so you'll need to keep him up.

This is followed by another, similar jumping phase as the platform drops. The last phase is again SOA with the mind traps, only in this phase he has a shield and the tank will have to move him around. This makes the fight a lot more chaotic, because you'll need to make sure you are in range of everyone and people will be running around avoiding lightning. During periods where his shield breaks there isn't a lot of healing to do and he needs to be hit as hard as possible, if you can afford it, I'd recommend joining the DPS, every little bit of damage helps.

When this is done you cleared EV, congratulations. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

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